Spiritually Connected
restoring your equilibrium

Welcome to Spiritually Connected
What You Own, Owns You

Welcome to Spiritually Connected UK and Thank you for visiting my site.
My name is Becky Marshall, I am a Psychic Medium and Natural-born Spiritual Healer/Psychic Surgeon. I am a Fully Qualified Ushi Reiki Practitioner and a Fully Qualified Chakra Energy Healer (Doreen Virtue Certified)
I have had the ability to communicate with Spirit my entire life and have always known about my ability to heal people. Now I bring forward the knowledge and wisdom that I hold today, and use my ability to heal people when all hope may seem lost.
My healing comes from within and is a part of who I am, it is a part of my soul and I heal people in a way that they have never experienced before.
As we have evolved, many of us have become disconnected from who we truly are. We have become conditioned to think and believe that medication is the only way we can continue to try to live a normal life.
I am here to bring positive changes and show how healing the body can be achieved through the healing that I offer. Anyone can heal, anyone can get well again. All that is required is an open mind and a willingness to become well again. THERE IS HOPE, IT'S HERE
The healing I offer is centred around helping people release emotional, mental and physical problems that are affecting them personally and preventing them from living a happy, abundant and fulfilling life.
I have the ability to see where emotional, mental and physical problems are. I can see how they have affected you, and your life and release you from them.
My Healing is very finely tuned and crafted to restore emotional, mental and physical illness within the body, allowing you to have balance in your life. You will be free from the past, which will allow you to attract the abundance you want and deserve into your life. Click here for more information about my healing:
I am a "Psychic Business Mentor" for people who are in business that need support and guidance to becoming successful. If you want to setup a business, but are not sure how, in business and feeling stuck, would like help scaling your business then I can help with all of the pressures that running a business comes with. Click below for more information:
I also work with the Native American Indian Tribes, to bring to you a different way of Counselling. To step back in time and provide you with counselling done thousands of years ago. Lead by the Native American Indian tribes and their wisdom and knowledge to help you heal and understand where you should be heading in your life. Click here for more information:
Psychic Surgeon, Healing, Soul Healer, North Yorkshire, Thirsk, Natural Healing, Relaxation, Kindness, Gratitude, Peace, Soul Healer, Deep Relaxation, Promotes Natural Healing, Believe, The White Light, Balancing Mind, Body and Spirit, Forgiveness, Love Yourself, Let The Past Go, Manifest Your Dreams, Deep Healing, Hope Is Here